Why a DAM is Essential for Marketplaces like Amazon & Co.

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In the e-commerce world, digital assets like product images, videos, and documents are crucial. However, managing them across various marketplaces is complex. A Digital Asset Management (DAM) system centralizes, organizes, and optimizes this process for consistent, efficient results.

In the digital era of e-commerce, presence on online marketplaces like Amazon, Otto, Douglas, or Conrad has become indispensable for many companies. These platforms provide access to millions of potential customers and allow brands to exponentially increase their reach. However, with this opportunity come challenges, especially concerning the management and provision of digital content. This is where Digital Asset Management (DAM) comes into play.

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The Importance of Digital Assets in the E-Commerce Worldlt

Digital assets encompass all digital content of a company, from product images and videos to graphics and documents in file form. In the e-commerce world, these assets are crucial. They not only influence brand perception but also affect customer purchasing decisions. High-quality product images, engaging videos, product data sheets, and certificates can make the difference between a sale and an abandoned cart.

Challenges in Managing Digital Assets

Managing these digital assets quickly becomes complex, especially when products are offered on multiple marketplaces. Each platform has its own requirements for image sizes, file formats, file naming, sequences, asset types, metadata, and compliance guidelines. Without a central system, this can lead to inconsistencies, errors, and inefficient workflows.

The requirements of marketplaces vary widely. How you need to submit your assets actually depends on the specific marketplace or platform. There are requirements regarding the type and quality of the assets:

  • Minimum pixel size for photos and graphics (e.g., 1,200 pixels for landscape shots)
  • Maximum file size per photo or graphic (e.g., 400 KB or 1 MB)
  • Exclusively square or rectangular aspect ratios (e.g., 1:1 or 4:3)
  • Only PNG or WebP file formats. Drawings only in SVG format or PDFs with a maximum of 4 pages.
  • Videos only as MP4 or links to YouTube. Minimum length 8 seconds.

All these requirements and many more can be easily met with a DAM, ensuring that your products are listed quickly and completely. However, not only file requirements are imposed. Marketplaces often also request a specific way of categorizing, naming, and delivering your assets:

  • Front view of the product, right view, left view, top view, interior view; mood, action, or ambient photos.
  • The file desired as a cover photo should contain “_cover.” in the name, right views “_right.” etc.
  • The filename must start with the marketplace’s article number (e.g., ASIN at Amazon or EAN).
  • Files should be uploaded via FTP to a directory or a ZIP download should be provided.
  • More modern marketplaces prefer download URLs for individual assets in data transfer via XML or CSV.

What is Digital Asset Management (DAM)?

A DAM is a central system for storing, organizing, and distributing digital assets. It enables companies to manage all their digital content in one place, making it easily findable and ensuring that the most current versions are always used.

How a DAM Helps in Supplying Marketplaces

1. Centralized Storage and Organization

With a DAM, all digital assets can be stored in one central location. This not only facilitates access for all involved teams but also prevents the use of outdated or incorrect files. When a new product image or updated description is available, it is simply updated in the DAM, and all stakeholders have immediate access to it.

2. Consistency Across All Platforms

A DAM ensures that the brand is presented consistently across all marketplaces. By centrally managing logos, color palettes, and design elements, a uniform brand image is guaranteed, regardless of where the product is offered.

3. Adaptation to Specific Requirements

As mentioned, each marketplace has its own specifications. A DAM can be configured to automatically provide the correct image sizes, file formats, file naming, sequences, asset quality, asset types, metadata, and compliance guidelines for each marketplace. This reduces manual adjustments and minimizes the risk of errors. For example, Amazon ASINs can be automatically written into filenames, and so-called feature images for Amazon can be generated automatically.

4. Efficient Workflows

By automating processes like converting file formats or distributing assets to various platforms, a DAM saves time and resources. Teams can focus on strategic tasks instead of dealing with time-consuming manual processes. For instance, conversions can be automatically performed with our CDN proxy, and the marketplace receives a table of download links formatted for its import mechanisms, which can be easily processed automatically.

5. Compliance and Rights Management

A DAM enables the management of usage rights and licenses for each asset. This is particularly important for avoiding legal issues, for example, when an image may only be used in certain regions or for specific time periods.

6. Improved Collaboration

Teams in different departments or even different countries can easily collaborate thanks to a DAM. Feedback, approvals, and updates can be tracked within the system, improving communication and reducing delays.

Practical Examples

Automatic Image Adjustment for Amazon

Amazon has strict guidelines for product images. This includes size in pixels, sequence, and naming with the ASIN, the Amazon article number. With a DAM, images can be automatically adjusted to meet these guidelines without manual intervention.

Using the OTTO API

OTTO clearly specifies how images should look – we can intervene here with a DAM. However, what is much more important for efficient communication with the shipping house is the API. Information can be found at https://api.otto.market/. With an enterprise DAM like TESSA, you have the opportunity to automatically adjust and transfer your images. This way, you can show significantly more photos, which is beneficial for your sales.

Integration with Marketplace Management Solutions

Many companies now use marketplace solutions like ChannelEngine or Tradebyte to quickly and easily place their products on many marketplaces. EIKONA Media is already collaborating with both service providers, and the TESSA DAM provides a significant boost in efficiency for asset placement.

The Impact on the Company

The implementation of a DAM system not only has operational advantages but also positively affects the overall performance of the company.

Faster Time to Market

Products can be brought to market faster, as the preparation time for asset provision is reduced. Everything runs smoothly and no longer bumpy.

Cost Reduction

By streamlining processes and reducing errors, companies can save costs that would otherwise arise from manual work or corrections. These are time-intensive and create a high workload.

Better Brand Perception

A consistent and high-quality presentation of products strengthens the brand image and increases customer trust.



In e-commerce, the efficient management of digital assets is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. A Digital Asset Management system provides the tools and functions to tackle the challenges of supplying marketplaces like Amazon, Otto, Douglas, or Conrad. It ensures that companies can effectively present their products, increase operational efficiency, and ultimately boost their sales.

Companies that invest in a DAM position themselves not only for current success but also prepare for future growth and ongoing digitalization. It is an investment that pays off in multiple ways.

Andreas Werner

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